Monday, January 19, 2015

Beam Bolt Recess Molds - Do Over

After the glue dried on the beam molds, I got out the ruler and angle gauge to verify the final measurements before moving on with filling and sanding. Unfortunately, it appears that I over-complicated the construction with all the various angles involved and failed to account for some things. The end result was close, but I wasn't happy with it.

So off to the store for another sheet of MDF.
This time, I opted for a much simpler solution and built a jig to ensure the parts would be held to identical angles.

Once the jig measurements were checked and re-checked (and then checked one more time), I cut all the tops, sides, fronts and internal bracing members. This all took about five hours.
This stack of wood pieces was cleaned up and brought inside to warm up so I could glue it up later while watching the game.

This process was MUCH faster and allowed an opportunity to check and make slight adjustments to the final shape before the glue set up. The next morning I checked all four molds and confirmed the angles were either identical or off by only a tenth of a degree!

After that, it was off to the garage again for some work with the router to round off the edges.
(I still can't find my dust masks from the move, but the paint mask was quickly found and worked quite well. Besides, my seven year old thought I looked like a Storm Trooper).

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